200,000 Miles By Allister Remm
https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/7509592018-05-06, 6:29 PM
Back in October 1999 a truck was made, just one of many. The years passed, the body rusted, and the miles climbed. By May of 2017 it reached 200,000 miles. That's when the strange note appeared.
Jake's life hasn't been easy. Living in an economically depressed part of the United States, Jake has worked a string of low paying jobs just to make ends meet. Now he hauls scrap metal in a rusty old pickup truck that just reached 200,000 miles. Then the strange note appeared on his dash, and Jake's life was changed forever.

200,000 Miles, Allister Remm, time travel stories, time travelers, time travel short stories, science fiction, sci-fi short stories, truck, trucks, time travel adventure, science fiction travel, science fiction adventure, pickup trucks, time machine, auto