An Artpreneur's Guide to Pigging Out: Storing Some Fat to Survive the Famine Before Your Feast by Melissa Matthews | 2018-05-02, 5:39 PM |
"Loved it! Not only is this e-book a short read, but it has that page turner quality that we all enjoy at my office." goodreads
"I would recommend it to any young professional, aspiring entrepreneur or do-gooder. An awesome, awesome read!" goodreads
This short and engaging read uses Matthews’ straight-talk-no-chaser approach with anecdotes from her career highs and lows in art and business to help you cope with, understand and move past “the struggle” into the opportunity(ies) that are waiting for you.
An Artpreneur's Guide to Pigging Out, Melissa Matthews, entrepreneur, young professionals, motivational, inspirational, page turner, Entrepreneurship, business and finances, the struggle |