Angelos Odyssey: Volume One, Two, Three by J. B. M. Patrick, 11:42 AM
Volume One:
Thousands of years have passed since the Earth was invaded by gods, demons, and foreign species with capabilities far beyond that of most humans. Reality collapsed, disaster having become so widespread that hope was ultimately forgotten. Humankind was backed into a corner and forced to either evolve or submit; the world erupted into a never-ending war that resulted in new cultures, superior technology, and great division among living beings.
This is the tale of the assassin, Tavon, whose ambition drove him to explore past his simple upbringing in the slums of the Citadel in order to become one of the most notorious killers in the universe.
Volume Two:
After he’d survived to reach the age of eighteen, Tavon entered the criminal underworld proper. For most of his life, he’d trained to be a powerhouse as well as an intimidating presence; therefore, he used his past experiences to mold himself into a thug capable of holding his own.
This is the account of Tavon’s first challenge, Aaliyah’s discovery of zol, and a record of the events that unfolded prior to a terrible catastrophe…
Volume Three:
I doubt that you’ve heard the story of the White Boar...
Before the reign of the Meiziki, there was the Odoya Clan: regular samurai who’d subsisted off the trash of others. While partnered with the Meiziki Clan, Tavon vowed to achieve his true potential, to protect his new family as he developed into one of their greatest assets.
This is Tavon’s final account of his upbringing as well as the story of the one who dared to lead the Meiziki into the World Below, the White Boar…




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