Be Proactive Be Employed: Strategies to get hired in 2017 by Adan Noriega, 5:44 PM
Are you feeling kind of concerned about not knowing the modern rules of getting a job? Not quite sure where the economy is going? Hoping for a better job, but not quite sure how to get it? Are you a recent college grad not sure how to get that first “real” job? Have you been laid off from your factory? Are you returning from a stint abroad? Looking to join the workforce after a prolonged hiatus?
Be Proactive Be Employed: Strategies to get hired in 2017 is a book designed to help readers understand the fundamentals of getting a job today.

Be Proactive Be Employed: Strategies to get hired in 2017, getting a job nowadays, job seeking, job seekers, Job Seekers Guide, how to get a better job, getting a high paying job, Job search strategies for 2017, recruitment trends, successful job search strategies 2017, building a successful career