Cartoons for grown-up - Funny, crazy, dark, surreal, silly, bizarre, not for the faint hearted, intelligent, light hearted cartoons, 7:27 PM
Funny, crazy, dark, surreal, silly, bizarre, not for the faint hearted, intelligent, light hearted cartoons.
Some will make you laugh, others will make you cry. Possibly get reminded of a relative, neighbour, friend, enemy or even you pet goldfish you won at the fairground when you were six that swum on it's side for the first two days and died on the third. I'd like to express that these cartoons are from real life experiences but they're not, so I can't.
These cartoons have been lovingly crafted and delicately designed for your enjoyment. However, I must warn that not everyone will adhere to these beauties. As everyone knows, you can exclaim what a delightful day it is and you're going to piss somebody off. If this is your fine self, please I beg you to cheer up. It's not so bad. You could have married my wife.

cartoons for grown-ups, comics, graphic novels, humour, children’s eBooks, literature, fiction, literary humour, humour and satire, funny, entertainment, Awesome Cartoons That Grown Ups Can Enjoy, funny cartoons for grown ups