Divine Perspective -Insightful, inspiring, informative-How we can change our life to live better
https://www.amazon.com/Divine-Perspective-Shaun-Kolich-ebook/dp/B00VP47M6U2018-05-06, 8:27 PM
Are you looking for answers? Do you find yourself wondering where and how did we lose control? Have you ever looked at our world and said something has got to give how can we change this?
Divine Perspective describes Shaun Kolich's personal quest of discovery into the deepest workings of our world and the universe. No matter belief system you may have (if any) you can gain many valuable insights from this inspirational book.

Philosophy, new thought, new age, spirituality, self discovery, tips, effective, guidebook, helpful insights through life, self evaluation, life, universe, change our life, live better life, happier life,