Habits: How Our Habits Help Host Happiness or Hell by Jaiden Barcelet
https://www.amazon.com/Habits-Help-Host-Happiness-Hell-ebook/dp/B07FMBJSZC2018-07-22, 3:51 PM
Habits: How our Habits Help Host Happiness or Hell
This book contains plenty of information on habits.
Make Your Life Better! You do want your habits to host happiness, right? Turn Those Bad Habits Inside Out - Into Good, Positive Ones.
What You Need To Know About Your Bad Habits
Bad habits are easy to break once you take the time to get to the root cause of them. This means that you have to spend some time reflecting on why you have that habit in the first place.
Here are a few common causes:
>Addiction >Fear >Laziness >Perfectionism >Anxiety Disorders or Depression >Boredom >Disorganization (yes, this is a bad habit as well – it does double duty)
Big Difference is an understatement! These habits will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

Habits, How Our Habits Help Host Happiness or Hell, Jaiden Barcelet, bad habits, turn bad habits into good habits, How to Break a Bad Habit, turning bad habits into good ones, self help, personal transformation, personal development, addiction, fear, laziness, anxiety, depression, boredom,