ICO Crowdfunding: A Self-Assessment Guide of how to Evaluate, Invest and Store Initial Coin Offerings
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077RLFGQJ2018-05-02, 1:31 PM
Cryptocurrencies are the next big thing, which will change the way we interact in daily basis for example the way we buy our morning coffee or how we place an order in Amazon. The popularity of Bitcoin coming from the rise of a new technology, which is called Blockchain. Blockchain will change the way we conduct financial transactions and it will create opportunities for early investors.
The purpose of this book is to highlight that scams are everywhere and it is our job to evaluate them, before we place our funds in a specific cryptocurrency with the form of ICO – Initial Coin Offering. Learn more about the criteria for evaluation of an ICO, where to find them and where to store them if you decide that they worth your money.
ICO Crowdfunding, A Self-Assessment Guide of how to Evaluate, Invest and Store Initial Coin Offerings, Manos Paraskevas, business and finances, cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, Blockchain, Initial Coin Offering guide, What is An Initial Coin Offering, investing and making money from an ICO, complete ICO guide