Losing Weight Can Be a Beach: Take a Break from Stressful Weight Loss & Transform Your Body
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Losing-Weight-Can-Beach-Stressful-ebook/dp/B01AE3AU4I/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1453402699&sr=1-1&keywords=tommy+gentleman2018-05-04, 7:18 PM
Losing Weight Can Be a Beach is a short and easy to understand book on how to get in shape the safe and effective way. There is a lot of misleading and confusing information out there, making it easy to feel frustrated and stressed out at lack of result and false promises of diets and drastic plans.
The information in this book will press your weight loss "reset" button and give you the tools to get it right. The best part is that the book is under 60 pages long! Making it the perfect addition to your holiday reading list.
This book works best when you read it by the pool with a cold one, or on the plane coming home back to reality (but with a new sense of energy and ambition!)

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