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#1 Bestseller &'s Book of the Year 2018
There are beings that live a shadow's breadth from our reality...
They are the dreams and nightmares of humanity, the ancient seeds of fairy-tale and superstition. These are the Immortals, creatures of magic that should live forever... and they are fading.
When a horror two thousand years dead returns to contemporary England, creatures long thought lost to myth and legend collide in a scramble for survival that could tumble civilisation back into the dark ages of blood and death.
Immortals’ Requiem is a Tolkienesque grimdark fantasy based in both a modern day city and vast supernatural worlds. If you like the idea of a drunken elf with a shotgun, an ancient warrior with a chainsaw and a whole host of violent supernatural beings you’ll love this gritty bestseller.
"Fantastic GrimDark Urban Fantasy Book! Do yourself a favor and read it. The cover grabbed me, the synopsis intrigued me and the reviews hooked me. Unexpected turns and twists, epic battles, creatures of all varieties and great story telling make this a must read book. I really enjoyed this book!!"
"Excellent read, gripping from the start, once started reading I had great difficulty it putting the book down. The book is very well written and I would highly recommend it."
Lose yourself in this epic dark fantasy adventure!

Immortals' Requiem, An Epic Grimdark Fantasy, Vincent Bobbe, urban fantasy book, urban dark fantasy novel, popular dark urban fantasy books, best urban fantasy books, dark violent fantasy books, modern fantasy novels, best selling modern fantasy books, mythic fantasy, dark fantasy, horror books you should read, best dark fantasy books to read in 2020, engaging, intriguing, epic, twists and turns, masterpiece

Best Selling Books | Transitions: 649 | Date: 2020-04-15

Millennial Purgatory is a modern day psychological thriller that takes the reader on a tumultuous ride through the eyes of a troubled alcoholic that finds himself on the bitter end of numerous murders, consequently having him question what is real.
Look what our readers say...
"Great first novel from an up-and-coming author. This book is basically “perks of being a wallflower” for an adult audience. This surprised me even as an avid reader of similar subjects. If you enjoy YA novels as well as psychological thrillers, you have found your new favorite book."
"Whoa!!! This book is REALLY good! The author has you hooked from the beginning! Can’t wait for more from this brilliant and creative mind!"

Millennial Purgatory, A Modern Day Psychological Thriller, Bradley Krae, psychological thriller books, psychological fiction books, psychological thrillers young adults, psychological thrillers ya books, psychological thrillers you should read, best psychological thrillers, must-read psychological thrillers

Best Selling Books | Transitions: 692 | Date: 2020-03-29

Volume One:
Thousands of years have passed since the Earth was invaded by gods, demons, and foreign species with capabilities far beyond that of most humans. Reality collapsed, disaster having become so widespread that hope was ultimately forgotten. Humankind was backed into a corner and forced to either evolve or submit; the world erupted into a never-ending war that resulted in new cultures, superior technology, and great division among living beings.
This is the tale of the assassin, Tavon, whose ambition drove him to explore past his simple upbringing in the slums of the Citadel in order to become one of the most notorious killers in the universe.
Volume Two:
After he’d survived to reach the age of eighteen, Tavon entered the criminal underworld proper. For most of his life, he’d trained to be a powerhouse as well as an intimidating presence; therefore, he used his past experiences to mold himself into a thug capable of holding his own.
This is the account of Tavon’s first challenge, Aaliyah’s discovery of zol, and a record of the events that unfolded prior to a terrible catastrophe…
Volume Three:
I doubt that you’ve heard the story of the White Boar...
Before the reign of the Meiziki, there was the Odoya Clan: regular samurai who’d subsisted off the trash of others. While partnered with the Meiziki Clan, Tavon vowed to achieve his true potential, to protect his new family as he developed into one of their greatest assets.
This is Tavon’s final account of his upbringing as well as the story of the one who dared to lead the Meiziki into the World Below, the White Boar…




Angelos Odyssey Volume One , Angelos Odyssey Volume Two, Angelos Odyssey Volume Three, Joshua Patrick, best superhero fantasy ebooks, a superhero fantasy series, best cyberpunk books - the best sci fi books, best scifi cyberpunk books 2020, best sci-fi books of 2020, science fiction books you should read in 2020, must read sci-fi novels, best selling sci-fi series, best fantasy book series and sci fi book series

Must Read Books | Transitions: 663 | Date: 2020-03-24

Self-Evident Truths is set in the not-too-distant future; in a world with severe environmental degradation and huge disparity between the establishment and the working class. A loosely organized resistance movement struggles to strike back against the inequity and the establishment's oppression. Into this setting, a corporate peon is recruited to the cause and struggles with trying to make a difference while fighting against the limitations of his own life.
"Set in the future but resonates today. We can all make a difference. This great work of science fiction is a reminder to look for ways to address social injustices. At the end of the day, we are All Created Equal." - S. Fetterolf
"I loved the story. In all seriousness, it has the possibility to be made into a movie. I really enjoyed the book. A totally different and innovative concept." - S. Huilgol
"I read it through in one sitting. That should give you some idea of how much I liked it! Not only well-plotted, but moved with a good deal of momentum" - R. Hooper

Self-Evident Truths, A Dystopian Resistance Novel, Robert Musterer, dystopian fiction books, best dystopian books, best dystopian novels, dystopian resistance novel, futuristic dystopian books, dystopian thriller books, dystopian fantasy books, dystopian novels 2020, new dystopian novels, dystopian science fiction books, dystopian sci-fi books, dystopian sci-fi novels, best dystopian novels for adults

Must Read Books | Transitions: 665 | Date: 2020-03-23

For fans of The Hunger Games, Divergent, and The Gender Game comes a captivating new story like no other.
The Pestilence sweeps the globe with terrifying speed. A group of survivors finds an island sanctuary.
Three generations later, no one has heard from the outside world in years. The old radio only crackles with static. The Pestilence either finished its job or the world tore itself apart.
In the Village of Lehom, Leilani has been called to court as a Virtue by the King. Going to court means losing her independence and self-respect. Unfortunately, she doesn’t have a choice.
Leilani decides to take a stand; the King be damned. She plans a daring escape and sets in motion a series of events that will shake the foundation of her village and the island to its core.
"The Moon Hunters is a great book. If you’re a fan of Divergent, The Maze Runner, and The Hunger Games, this is the perfect book for you."
"I highly recommend “The Moon Hunters” by Anya Pavelle. The book is a thrilling example of excellent post-apocalyptic sci-fi at its best."

The Moon Hunters, A Post-Apocalyptic Science Fiction Adventure, Anya Pavelle, sci-fi novels, Awesome Post-Apocalyptic Books, best post apocalyptic books 2019, dystopian thriller, thrilling, mysterious, dystopian sci-fi, Post-Apocalypse, dystopia, dystopic, Popular Sci Fi Dystopian Post Apocalyptic Books

Best Selling Books | Transitions: 610 | Date: 2019-11-01

"Absolutely brilliant! I was hooked! Couldn't stop reading, 100% recommended to anyone who likes post-apocalyptic fiction."
New World is based in a post-atomic war Britain and follows an adventurer exploring the new tribes formed after the government collapsed.
This story is inspired by post-apocalyptic fiction and gives an odd perspective on the premises of the genre.
Thunder strikes, Birds fall from the sky. Unimaginable horrors happen in the streets while the madmen laugh. The forests cry as they burn and God looks away in shame as his creation destroys itself. A hail of fire. Bodies lay naked with clothes melted into their skin, scattered across the streets while the great cities melt down into a flat surface as all traces of civilization are wiped from the earth. The screams of flames ripping off people's skin are muffled by the intense hurricane that engulfs them. An atomic blast. Nothing more, nothing less. That did the job, now the Earth is crisp. Nothing but ash, fire and rubble above the ground.
Pandora's Box had been opened but this time hope wasn't to be found. It was when I came to this realisation that I knew I was right, It was bound to come one day. I felt the end was near and it came. Now it's gone and I'm alone in a hollow shell wider the Earth. With months of food and water, I feel safe but that doesn't seem to matter now. There is nothing left to be safe for. I have no people to speak to, No more love, No more laughter, No more anything. No more life...

New World, Life After the Bombs, Darcy Clutton, post apocalyptic, science fiction, post-apocalyptic fiction, Best Post-Apocalyptic Fiction, Post-Apocalyptic Fiction novels, Post-Apocalyptic books 2019, must read Post-Apocalyptic books, best selling Post-Apocalyptic Fiction, must read Post-Apocalyptic novels

Science Fiction and Fantasy | Transitions: 516 | Date: 2019-04-19

Tye and four other teens find themselves trapped in a mysterious impenetrable dome that has engulfed the Angeles National Forest. Inside, they quickly discover that not only has the forest around them been changed into a completely alien environment but that they all have powerful new superhuman abilities. In their attempt to escape, they are confronted with challenges that'll push them to their limits mentally and physically while trying to unlock the secrets of their alien prison and save the earth from a terrible fate.
What does it mean to be a hero? This question rang in Tye’s mind as the golden light of the California sun filled every inch of his room. Fighting the urge to go back to sleep, he yawned as he stretched out his lanky frame and scratched at his short curly hair. His dream where he had all the powers he desired as a kid ended tragically when a creature had gotten the better of him and growled, “You’re no hero” just as it delivered the final blow that jolted him into consciousness...

Dome, Bryan Young, Bryan A. Young, superhero, superhero science fiction, superhero sci-fi books, superhero sci-fi novels, superhero fantasy books, superhero fantasy novel, superhero fiction adventure, best superhero science fiction, best selling superhero sci-fi books, superhero novels 2019, superheroes

Must Read Books | Transitions: 774 | Date: 2019-04-05

One dedicated her former career to serving and protecting the innocent.
The other has barely outgrown her pirate legacy.
These days, this interspecies duo earns their living on the aether routes in a more civilian manner.
But brazenly exploring the untamed frontiers of space is no leisure cruise, and eventually good intentions meet tough luck.
When the two adventurers stick their noses into a seemingly neutralized battle zone, they find themselves facing their own demons...
Pick up the fun, little sci-fi romp Aetherborne Book 1: A Tale from Elsewhere and meet small-time space explorers Sar-Shey and Kirido on their first ill-fated mission to stay out of deadly trouble.
Grab a cup of tea and be one of the first to experience this engaging new series by Marco Craine.

Aetherborne, Aetherborne Book 1, A Tale from Elsewhere, Marco Craine, space fantasy, tongue-in-cheek space fantasy, must read science fiction, funny fantasy books, must read fantasy books, funny fiction, comic fantasy, sci-fi books you should read, sci-fi books 2019, Popular Tongue-In-Cheek Books

Science Fiction and Fantasy | Transitions: 610 | Date: 2019-03-09

Book 2 covers the latter half of the amazing Mutant Boy's 14th year and much of his 15th year. His earlier revelation that he was designed by a 5-dimensional cosmic engineer called "the Creator" to save live on Earth is rejected by many, especially the rich and powerful and religious conservatives. Reverend Peter Langham spearheads the religious opposition to him while many political and military leaders plot against him. The Mutant Boy, whose actual name is Mikhail Ivanov, enhances more girls, turning them into EBs (enhanced beings), and his network of young supporters grows rapidly. He deals with the brutal beating and rape of one of his EBs, and as a consequence faces a deadly, military-style assault on his life.
"Book 2 of The Savior, which covers the latter half of the Mutant Boy’s 14th year and much of this 15th year, more than meets the exciting promise of Book 1 and of the subtitle, “A Scientific, Theological, and Sexual Fantasy.” This book, and indeed the entire series, is a brilliant, imaginative, and lively exploration of these three themes."
"Book 2 definitely gets your adrenaline going in Mikhail Ivanov's ability to save hostages and deal with a massive attempt on his life in the dramatic "Texas Showdown." Can't wait to read Book 3."

The Savior, The Transformation, A Scientific, Theological and Sexual Fantasy, Book 2, Michael Mussachia, science fiction, popular sci-fi book series, best selling science fiction books, best selling sci-fi and fantasy books, action and adventure, sci-fi book series, sci-fi novels, page turner, imaginative, greatest sci-fi novels

Science Fiction and Fantasy | Transitions: 644 | Date: 2019-02-06

Five Stories. Five Killers. Lots of ghosts.
Serial kilers, spirit guides, ghost hunters, shadow people; all show up in the stories of this book to give you a good scare. Each story takes you to a different level of terror, from everyday to paranormal, and the feeling of unease and fright you will feel reading them will stay with you long after you have finished the last page.

Pages of Fear, Five Stories About the Dead, Lionel T. Duncan, horror stories, science fiction, sci-fi and fantasy, Terrifying Horror Stories, scary stories, must read horror stories, horror stories to read right now, best horror stories 2018, popular horror stories 2019, horror fiction, horror books, horror ebooks

Book Deals | Transitions: 583 | Date: 2018-12-19

"A fun read that flows well with a blend of science and greek mythology. The end leaves you wanting more."
In our universe, Sparta defeated Athens in the Peloponnesian war. In this new, funny and action-packed novel read how Zeevik, a rejuvenated man, and his friend who is an unconventional god traveled to another dimension and changed history by confronting the Spartans and the Olympian Gods. The fact that a beautiful fugitive local girl seduces Zeevik further complicates matters.

A New God in Athens, A humorous sci-fi and fantasy action in classical Greece, Peter Kornis, Sparta, Peloponnesian war, Olympian Gods, Spartans, Greek mythology, Ancient Greece, historical books, historical fiction, science fiction, sci-fi and fantasy, novels set in Ancient Greece, Greek & Roman

Science Fiction and Fantasy | Transitions: 609 | Date: 2018-11-25

"A fantastic read. Captivating and Addictive, this book will have you wanting more. I hope to read more from this author!!"
"A fabulous read from start to finish. Magic and mystery cleverly combined. I cant wait to see the movie!!!"
Ziggy's life turns a corner when he is welcomed into the Magic Circle by Examinations Secretary, Michael Lafarge.
But when he suspects there is more than coincidence to the uncanny resemblance between Lafarge and a renowned mind-reader from Edwardian times, he discovers the world of magic has a far more sinister purpose for its audience than just entertainment.
To prove it he must use his repertoire of illusions to expose Lafarge for what he truly is and foil a plot that threatens the existence of mankind itself.

Deadly Illusions, There's More To Magic Than Meets The Eye, Tim Jordan, science fiction, fantasy, sci-fi novels to read right now, must read fantasy books, action and adventure, popular sci-fi books, magic, magical, twists and turns, entertaining, mystery, suspense, humour, humorous, hero, heroes, aliens

Best Selling Books | Transitions: 612 | Date: 2018-11-10

In the future, after the global financial collapse, large corporations took the reins of many countries in the world. One of them, The Fisi Corporation, set up in Kenya. Controlled by artificial intelligence in the hands of corrupt men they implemented a tyrannical regime that plunged the country into extreme poverty. These are the stories of everyday people who made incredible sacrifices to achieve a better future. For themselves and for their country.
The Way To Station 77, A Collection Of Short Stories From Nairobi Kenya, Robert Nganga, science fiction, sci-fi and fantasy, science fiction and fantasy, fantasy short stories, short story science fiction, Dystopian
Science Fiction and Fantasy | Transitions: 720 | Date: 2018-10-28

Trust that how we see things is not necessarily what is so
Join Darrel Sak as he continues his heroic attempts to save his father in the second book of the Shaemaaie Chronicles.
This time, with his father held secretly in a safe place, at least for now, Darrel must turn his efforts into finding and saving Jansen, the man who designed Darrel's sword and embedded the dragonblood into its tip. It is Jansen alone who has the knowledge, skills, and special tool needed to extract some of the blood, which is needed to save Darrel's dad.
Darrel discovers Jansen is being held in Remalagia and must travel to the depths of Shaemaaie to rescue him.
He must once again put his life on the line and this time there is much more at stake. Accompany Darrel through his achievements, downfalls, joys, and sorrows as he journeys through dangerous places and battles massive foes.
Will Darrel be able to win against the demons that once inhabited only his nightmares? Will he succeed in this improbable quest alive and whole?

Nargan Amulet, Sword of Dragonblood, The Shaemaaie Chronicles, The Down Dreamer Trilogy, science fiction and fantasy, sci-fi and fantasy series, science fiction book series, popular fantasy book series, inspirational fiction, literature and fiction, coming of age, fantasy and magic, fairy tales, fast-paced

Science Fiction and Fantasy | Transitions: 586 | Date: 2018-09-24

"A great journey into the author's mind and other worlds"
Humans are not the only beings in the universe. There are worlds outside of human knowledge that are complex and have their own rules. Never have these worlds intermixed. That all changed when the King of the Demons fell in love with a goddess of the upper world. Their union produced Shekrya, a forbidden and dangerous combination of both worlds. In order to protect her, Shekrya was sent to Earth without knowing who she was or what she was capable of.
Now, Shekrya uses her power to protect humanity while also avoiding any type of meaningful relationship. This also includes ignoring the stubbornly charming vampire who insists on shadowing her every step. But that is not the end of her problems. She is the only creature in the world that is a combination of both the heavenly and demonic realms. Not only must Shekrya learn how to control her demon and goddess abilities, but she also must avoid the paranormal beings that consider her to be an abomination. Things become even more complicated when humanity is threatened and Shekrya must decide whether or not to continue her solitary life on the run or dive head-first into the world she came from.

Dark Silver, Lacy Nauck, literature and fiction, science fiction, sci-fi and fantasy, action and adventure, action adventure fantasy, romantic fantasy, romance fantasy, action adventure romance books, action fiction, action and adventure fiction, new worlds, journey in other worlds, fantasy action books 2018

Science Fiction and Fantasy | Transitions: 588 | Date: 2018-09-16

All of the money and weapons in the world have disappeared in what is known as The Great Vanishing.
Soccer rookie Nardo Beaudelarous is recruited by a mysterious agent to sit on a committee that will decide the distribution of cash and guns back into society once they are made and made avaliable by the government.
Yet with the Great Vanishing seems to have come a reality shift, and after a series of unnerving and unexplained events, Nardo encounters an unknown entity that claims it is responsible for the global disapperance and forces him to consider his own idea of what reality should be and question who's life he is really living.

Future Chance, Lionel T Duncan, The Great Vanishing, science fiction and fantasy, sci-fi and fantasy, fantasy books to read right now, must read fantasy books, sci-fi books 2018, fantasy books 2018, best sci fi books 2018, best fantasy books 2018, fantasy books you should read, sci-fi books you should read

Science Fiction and Fantasy | Transitions: 544 | Date: 2018-09-14

Mervano is a tough, uncompromising New York cop with an attitude problem and an axe to grind with the world. One night, after avenging his wife's untimely death, he meets a mysterious stranger who turns his world upside down and sends him on a wild trip, far from the mean streets he is used to...
Enter an adventure that includes an uptight princess, a talking crow, a friendly young goblin boy and many other curious characters in a fun, fantastical journey, perfect for all fans of light, easy reading fantasy.

Mervano, James Tingle, Popular Fast Paced Books, fast paced comedy, Fast paced fantasy, Fast-Paced Fantasy-Comedy, literature and fiction, humour and satire, literary humour, humorous science fiction, humorous fantasy books, Best Humorous Fantasy and Science Fiction, fun fantasy books, fun sci-fi books

Science Fiction and Fantasy | Transitions: 478 | Date: 2018-08-02

"Really good story, can't wait for the next installments! Wonderful idea and such a good book, especially for sci fi lovers and for the young at heart!"
"Interesting & well written! Loved this story! Moves along with interesting plot twists and characters."
Life gets weird when you’re adopted by an alien. One million years in the future, young human Antaska and her psychic cat are adopted as pets by a gigantic alien. Traveling in outer space, she becomes telepathic in a world where that’s dangerous. Then she gets into a love triangle that’s even more dangerous. Her cat tries to tell Antaska what she’s doing wrong, but will she listen?
Is it love, or is it alien abduction?
Things keep getting weirder when Antaska travels in outer space with an alien and her psychic cat. Mischievous but evil part-reptile humanoids team up with Antaska’s nemesis, a genetically enhanced fitness instructor, to take revenge on her to the ends of the universe. Her unexpected alien abduction spoils their plans.
Bonded in Space - Strange things happen when a crazy alien can’t get you out of his mind.

Alien Pets, Xeno Relations, Trisha McNary, science fiction and fantasy, sci-fi and fantasy, alien science fiction, alien fantasy books, books about alien contact, humans as pets stories, adopted by aliens, books where humans are pets, thrilling, entertaining, fun, twist and turns, must read sci-fi and fantasy books

Best Selling Books | Transitions: 998 | Date: 2018-07-13

Earthling Factions Control Human Space
We have colonized the Moon, Mars and the Asteroid Belt
Generations ago we moved out among the stars
but that was not enough
The colonies are in open rebellion
Humans are now part of the Renegade Galaxy
Escape is possible
Survival is another story ...
Captain Victoria Legrande and the surviving crew of her stolen warship the NAS Artemis are renegades from the Orion System. After an ambush at a secret rendezvous known only to members of the resistance they were fighting for, they have run for their lives far from home. Continuing their flight from everything they held dear, they have traveled for months through space to the lawless Utopia System to find help from an old friend of the Captain. If he is alive, if he can help them, and if he agrees to help, the question remains, can the ship be saved?
His question may be even more relevant. Is the ship, hunted throughout human space, worth the effort? With no good options, the Captain and her crew face more uncertainty, more danger, and a decision for the Captain that may give them a new life entirely or seal their fate forever.
The second installment in the Renegade Galaxy series depicts a future where Earthling factions have colonized star systems only to discover they are not alone in the universe. Humanity is only one of many civilizations throughout the galaxy we alone call the Milky Way.
Captain Legrande and her crew now seek to elude every Earthling faction, their former comrades in the resistance, and the infamous Mirror Family crime syndicate that controls virtually the entire Utopia system. Her crew doubts if her old friend is even up to the task of repairing the Artemis. Mama Mirror herself, the ruthless head of the Family, may even be looking for him.
Escaping Utopia may be their next best hope.

Escaping Utopia, Renegades of Orion, Renegade Galaxy, Renegade Galaxy series, Steve Anderson, science fiction and fantasy, sci-fi and fantasy, best sci-fi books, popular sci-fi books, science fiction books to read in 2018, sci-fi series, fantasy series, colonization, best fantasy book series, best fiction book series

Must Read Books | Transitions: 715 | Date: 2018-07-07

"A unique melding of the sirens of Greek Mythology and Steampunk Victorian atmosphere" *****
“All sailors beware, for only one will the Lioness spare”
In the 34th century, vicious creatures walk the earth, and a bloodthirsty monster known as the Lioness rules over the sea. The capital city of Zargo has found that music may keep its monsters at bay, and Lucien Mooncaster, the lead violinist of the city orchestra, is the toast of the town. But even with the lifestyle of a celebrity knocking at his door, the only company he cares to keep is that of his endless supply of books.
Meanwhile, perfection proves to be fragile as Lucien’s picturesque life of comfort falls out from under him when a storm strikes, and an unearthly beautiful woman with a deadly secret washes ashore, shipwrecked outside his home.

The Violinist, C.R. Tyra, gothic novel, gothic literature, dark fantasy, dark fantasy novels, dark fantasy books you should read, dark fantasy novels 2018, horror, mystery, Greek Mythology, Victorian, fiction

Science Fiction and Fantasy | Transitions: 616 | Date: 2018-07-02

“I see how happy my kids' dog is. If I’ll be an AI’s pet, will I be as happy as he is?”
A first AI controlled video game and the story of the company behind the game’s creation, the advent of the first self-aware AI with a personality, and the ensuing madness. Madness as in Monty Python’s madness... Company start-up, love stories, AI taking over the U.S. nuclear arsenal, petrol engine cars, dead Hollywood actors, God – all zanily intertwined and exploring a dead-serious topic.
At the Author's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Game World, George C Fratian, SF books you must read, unique sci-fi books, The Best Science Fiction & Fantasy Books, sci-fi books that should be on screen, TV, Movie, Video Game Adaptations, AI, Artificial intelligence, AI takeover, AI takeover books, Artificial Intelligence Books, best AI books and novels

Must Read Books | Transitions: 738 | Date: 2018-05-14

"This is on my "Must Read" list for 2017."
"Atlantis Falling is the perfect story to bridge high school/young adult readers in the world of adult literature."
In the Beginning, there was The Kind; angelic beings of pure energy deeply connected and infinitely empowered to create worlds. Yet the sensation of life on one of these worlds entices them into physical bodies to explore. Further seduced into inhabiting the world and building a great empire by one of their own, Belial, The Kind forget their origins in pursuit of material grandeur. Among them, Gabriel awakens to their true nature, but can he awaken the others before they destroy themselves?

Atlantis Falling, Adam Gabriel Stinemetz, must read science fiction, must read sci-fi, science fiction and fantasy, fantasy novels you should read, must read fantasy novels, popular sci-fi and fantasy novels, best selling sci-fi and fantasy, good fantasy novels, sci-fi and fantasy novels 2017, fantasy novels to read in 2018

Science Fiction and Fantasy | Transitions: 743 | Date: 2018-05-12

"A different kind of vampire. I have never read a vampire story like this..."
"I enjoyed the story so much I read the whole book in one sitting."
Dorian is a vampire who doesn’t believe in love. Haley is a mortal who doesn’t believe in vampires.
At seventeen, Haley Scott’s life is pretty miserable. She lives with her uncle in a small town where she has absolutely no friends and barely any social life. Haley knows for a fact that there are very few people on the planet who care if she lives or dies.
Dorian Vanderlind is a vampire with a past he’s reluctant to face. He visits his cousin as a favor, only to find himself entangled in the enticements of the mortal world.

Birth of the Vampire, The Vanderlind Realm Book, sci-fi novels, sci-fi and fantasy, coming of age fantasy, coming of age sci-fi, vampire novels, popular vampire stories, entertaining, best selling vampire novels

Science Fiction and Fantasy | Transitions: 675 | Date: 2018-05-06

"Non-stop Action keeps you turning page's wondering what happens next."
"Fabulous Fantasy!"
Haunted by his past. Hunted in the present. Buffeted like an arrow in the wind.
This unique epic fantasy will keep you turning pages as Athson and company are drawn deeper into the intrigues surrounding the Bow of Hart.
The hunt for the Bow of Hart continues for Athson and his companions. They have escaped the clutches of Magdronu and Corgren, the mage, but they are still pursued.
In need of answers to deep mysteries revealed in Chokkra, Athson must gain possession of the mythic bow to face both his enemies and his tragic past. But Magdronu's reach stretches among Athson's companions, endangering Limbreth and even Hastra in schemes to entrap them all.

An Arrow Against the Wind, The Bow of Hart Saga Book 2, fantasy novels you must ready, sci-fi and fantasy, action and adventure novels 2017, heroes, magic, demons, epic mystery novels, epic sci-fi novels, mystery, thrillers and suspense, books based on myths, Popular Myth and Legend novels, sword and sorcery novels 2017, Vikings and Norse fantasy series, best Viking novels

Science Fiction and Fantasy | Transitions: 726 | Date: 2018-05-06

The last thing that Larken wanted was to be Talented. He wanted no part in his kingdom’s armed forces. But when a fabled enemy was revealed to be both still alive and his father, Larken’s Talents were needed to save both the Three Kingdoms and himself from the evil of the Dread King.
As Larken moves from a humble village smithy to the highest tiers of leadership, Larken must learn to fight both outward enemies and the growing, inner seduction of his father. At each stage in his development, new challenges and temptations assail him. Are Larken’s will and his Talent strong enough to fend off the increasing power of the Dread King, or will the combination of armed forces and dark Talent bring an end to the Three Kingdoms?
Comparable to the great fantasy sagas, The Dread King begins an epic journey of a maimed orphan through the greatest crises facing his world. The Larken Chronicles will be your next favorite fantasy epic series!

The Dread King: Book One of The Larken Chronicles, popular sci-fi novels, science fiction and fantasy, coming of age novels, best coming of age novels, popular coming of age books, Best Coming of Age Fantasy eBooks, coming of age fantasy series, best science fiction series, Kingdom, fantasy saga

Science Fiction and Fantasy | Transitions: 647 | Date: 2018-05-06

"Loved this book and particularly the mermaid chapter."
"This book is a brilliant continuation of book 1."
The Stardust, Jason, Pippa, Stuart, Zak and Heidi, return in the second adventure of the Power Vested in Me trilogy, this time becoming the Seekers. The book begins with the enigmatic Starkey, sending the teenagers he invested so much power in when they were newly born, on another quest but this time they just have to find a single item. To complete their task the five must enter the Land of Nod, a place they can only travel to in their dreams. Once there, they realise that they are traveling through the signs of the zodiac, encountering magic and mystery, while guided by the illusive Scholar..

The Power Vested in Me, The Seekers, Power Vested in Me trilogy, A J King, contemporary fiction, science fiction and fantasy, sci-fi and fantasy, popular sci-fi novels, Contemporary Fiction books, contemporary sci fi novels, fantastic novels, best sci-fi novels 2017, entertaining, amazing

Science Fiction and Fantasy | Transitions: 525 | Date: 2018-05-06

Today's most talented current SF authors take us on new TRAJECTORIES!
Marianne J. Dyson brings us a suspenseful tale from the surface of Mars.
Bud Sparhawk shows us blue-collar workers finding danger while just trying to make a living.
John F. Allen explains how a TV production assistant can go from fighting racial prejudice in the 1950s to defending against an alien invasion in the far future.
Brad R. Torgersen introduces us to "The Ghost Conductor Of The Interstellar Express."
And many more!

Trajectories, short stories, science fiction, sci-fi and fantasy, fantasy short stories, science fiction and fantasy, Mars, alien invasion, suspenseful, thrilling, entertaining, unique, short story collections, popular science fiction stories, best selling sci-fi authors, popular science fiction authors, best selling sci-fi stories

Science Fiction and Fantasy | Transitions: 622 | Date: 2018-05-06

I'm sorry. I didn't know what would happen. All I did was open the box. -Pandora
In her wildest dreams or worst nightmares, Harmony never imagined the twists and turns her life would take. Even with the grace of the Goddess upon her, loyal friends at her back, and Tesch by her side, she is never far from peril and is always at risk of being found by the Paranormal Council. She can't run far fast enough to escape them...or her destiny. From small town obscurity to the face of the Paranormal Revolution, her adventures span from coast to coast..

Color Full, Penny Miller, sci-fi and fantasy, science fiction and fantasy, popular sci-fi novels, popular science fiction, Popular Mythology and Folklore Books, Mythology & Folk Tales, fairy tales, Top Selling in Fairy Tales, folk tales and legends, fairy tales books you should read, best fairy tales, fairy tales and fantasy

Science Fiction and Fantasy | Transitions: 672 | Date: 2018-05-06

Back in October 1999 a truck was made, just one of many. The years passed, the body rusted, and the miles climbed. By May of 2017 it reached 200,000 miles. That's when the strange note appeared.
Jake's life hasn't been easy. Living in an economically depressed part of the United States, Jake has worked a string of low paying jobs just to make ends meet. Now he hauls scrap metal in a rusty old pickup truck that just reached 200,000 miles. Then the strange note appeared on his dash, and Jake's life was changed forever.

200,000 Miles, Allister Remm, time travel stories, time travelers, time travel short stories, science fiction, sci-fi short stories, truck, trucks, time travel adventure, science fiction travel, science fiction adventure, pickup trucks, time machine, auto

Science Fiction and Fantasy | Transitions: 528 | Date: 2018-05-06

Welcome to the Audacious World of Hivernatien Minimus, the ice sorcerer. Yes !
Ice sorcerers exist and they live in Antarctica.
The most charming amongst them is Hivernatien Minimus.
Well, he doesn't always behave well, his parents would like to get rid of him from time to time, he is prone to making errors, and catastrophes follow him closely.
But he is so charming... Come, and read his adventures if you dare ! You will not regret it.

The Audacious World of Hivernatien Minimus, Robert Dorazi, popular magic books, magic novels, Popular Sorcerer Books, magic and adventure, popular fantasy novels, Antarctica, fantasy and adventure

Science Fiction and Fantasy | Transitions: 670 | Date: 2018-05-06

1-30 31-60 61-87