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"Very practical and informative book. The information will help anyone in their everyday lives. I highly recommend it and happy reading!!"
"I love the practicality of this. The author looks at ways to improve yourself over the course of a year following a divorce."
Going through a divorce brings many changes, but, you can control if the changes leave you broken and full of fear or empowered and full of love.
“Divorce the Divorce: A 52 Step Journey to Create Unlimited Happiness” has been designed with practical, easy to implement tools to help you create a life of filled with love and abundance. This book is a guide for women who want encouragement and direction to begin their new life. You can ease the suffering with the exercises that this book provides and discover a whole new you.

Divorce the Divorce, A 52 Step Journey to Create Unlimited Happiness, life after divorce, build a new life after divorce, rediscovering yourself after divorce, creating new life after divorce, practical guide, self help, motivational, inspiring, inspirational, How to get through a divorce, dealing with a divorce

Self Help | Transitions: 542 | Date: 2018-05-06

"Great For Decluttering Your Mind and Space. The book is practical, in-depth, and clear."
"Excellent book about how to relieve stress and anxiety."
Powerful decluttering secrets to easily immediately eliminate stress and anxiety today! This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to declutter your home and your life. Here, you will learn how organizing your things can have a huge impact on how you run your life. Basically, having an organized living space and environment leads to a more organized life.
This book contains information regarding decluttering and the effects of clutter on your well-being. It also contains tips on how you can finally break free from the mess and be a minimalist.

Decluttering, The Benefits and Art of Minimizing and Organizing, decluttering your life, reduce stress, stay organized, change your life, How to declutter your life, declutter your home, home improvements, declutter your home to reduce stress and anxiety, relief of decluttering, decluttering guide, tidying up

Self Help | Transitions: 623 | Date: 2018-05-06

8 Life Changing Habits to Simplify Life While Reducing Stress!
Learn a new way forward that will make your life a happier and more satisfying place to be, start simplifying your life today with this book!
What You Will Learn Is This Book...
-The Most Important Habit to Embrace -Habits Within the Home -How to Declutter Your Mind -How to start getting your life on the right track -And Much, Much, More!

Minimalist: 8 Habits to Start Living a Simple, Stress-free Life, simplify your life, simple living, living a stress free life, secrets to a stress-free life, personal development, self help, achieve your goals, personal growth

Self Help | Transitions: 567 | Date: 2018-05-06

“It is your decisions, and not your conditions that determine your destiny.”
Discover The Secrets That Successful People Use To Maximise Their Results
If you truly want to be the real boss of your life, accomplish every goal you set, and achieve success in any category of your life, this book is for you.
You're One Step Closer To The Successful And Happy Life You Want.

Goal Setting, How To Set Smart Goals and Achieve Success In Your Life, achieve your goals, personal development, self help, personal growth, become more successful, maximize your gains, maximize your results, how to become successful in everything you do, ultimate guide, self help books, being successful, attract money into your life, attract love in your life, achieve your weight loss goals, eliminate stress

Self Help | Transitions: 642 | Date: 2018-05-06

"If you’re looking for a guidebook on how to deal with almost everything life throws at you, then this is for you."
"Great tools to help you release the blocks that are holding you back."
The Prosperity Approach is a proven formula that empowers you to consciously focus on prosperity which creates massive success in your life. The formula taught in this book will inspire you and give you all the tools you need so that the Prosperity Approach will sink into your subconscious and become second nature.

The Prosperity Approach: The Simple Formula to Massive Prosperity, Allyson Chavez, self help guide, self help books, spiritual growth, personal development, achieve your goals, become more successful, happier lifestyle, Christian living, prosperity formula, inspiring, motivational, personal transformation

Self Help | Transitions: 594 | Date: 2018-05-06

Discover The Powerful Tools That Will Give You Dominance Over Your Negative Thoughts
You’re about to discover powerful and life changing techniques that will stop negative thoughts dead in its tracks. Having constant negative thoughts will destroy your outlook on life and cause a whole list of real-life problems. These repeating thoughts seem to be completely out of your control; like a recording set on repeat. They can make it seem like you are losing your mind. Millions of people think they have to suffer through this day after day but the truth is they can put a stop to it NOW!

Negative Thoughts: How To Stop Negative Thinking, The Ultimate Guide For Turning Coal Into Diamonds, Powerful Tools, all about negative thinking, roots and effects of negative thinking, get rid of negative thinking, become more positive, power of positive thinking, switch from negative to positive

Self Help | Transitions: 612 | Date: 2018-05-06

Suffocated by a difficult life with chronic pain? Tired of feeling like getting out of bed in the morning is as hard as running a marathon? It’s time for that stage of life to be over. You can take control of the life that chronic illness has tried to steal from you. Using this 10-week plan written by Kristi Patrice Carter—a sufferer of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, who herself has used these very tools to enjoy life again—you will find yourself inspired, motivated, and drinking from the deep well of life once more. As a friend who has been there, Kristi will help you discover the life you’re meant to live, regardless of the obstacles and illnesses in your way.
There’s no need to wait for tomorrow. You can absolutely live the life you’ve always wanted. Starting right here. Right now.

Say Yes to Success Despite Your Chronic Illness, change your life, transform your life, overcoming chronic illness, live happy life, become more successful, self help, achieve your goals, inspiring, motivational

Self Help | Transitions: 591 | Date: 2018-05-06

Depression is one of those illnesses which can hit us at any time in our lives, leaving a trail of devastation and misery in its wake. It can strike if we are feeling low, of course, but can also take effect when things seem to be going well. It can be a real challenge to find a way to get past it and often it may seem hopeless.
But, whеthеr оnе believes it оr nоt, yes, ѕоmеthing can actually bе dоnе. Thеrе is hоре! Wоrdѕ саn be ѕhаllоw аnd this ѕhоuld bе acknowledged, but wаlking dоwn the раth оf ѕuiсidаl idеаtiоn, dерrеѕѕiоn, dеniаl аnd ѕо much mоrе from my own еxреriеnсе, a lоѕѕ of hоре аnd ѕо-fоrth can асtuаllу bе оvеrсоmе, bit by bit in timе.

How to deal with depression, ways to heal depression, boost your mood, dealing with depression, healthy ways to heal depression, self help, Beating Depression, How to Overcome Depression

Self Help | Transitions: 560 | Date: 2018-05-06

Life can be simple if we choose to be efficient in our everyday decisions and tasks. However, this isn’t always the case. There are times when we make poor decisions or complicate our situation because we’re not equipped with the proper resources or because we possess bad habits. Time is valuable and should be used wisely. Got the Time: 21 Secrets About Efficiency teaches us the fundamentals on time-management, ceasing procrastination, being sensible about time, learning the value of saying no, setting important goals and tasks, delegating projects that require more help, remaining consistent and adding purpose to the daily grind.
The book provides time management tips and steps on how you can improve and change your life by prioritizing what matters, valuing yourself and being effective with your time. Improve your time management skills!
21 Secrets that will change your life!

Got The Time, 21 Secrets About Efficiency, time management, simple steps to improve your efficiency, Tips for Being Consistently Consistent, Prioritizing What Matters Most, The Key to Consistency, tips for better time management, improve your life, change your life

Self Help | Transitions: 634 | Date: 2018-05-06

How to win every change - everywhere, always.
* You will discover what you really want and where you can get it. * You will transform from a victim of the global change to the master of every change, in your private life and in businesses, leading the change. * You will easily learn how your life can instantly be better than ever, creating the life you desire.

The New Nomads and All 7 Tools of Change, live happier life, live easy life, live happy and unique life, self help, personal development, transform your life, personal success, self-realization, self improvement

Best Selling Books | Transitions: 612 | Date: 2018-05-06

Will Powers simple formula is presented with the realization that we not only can break through any barrier, but also can go on to live the life we have always wanted and dreamed of. The author successfully enabled numerous individuals, in his counselling practice to overcome bad unwanted habits (like smoking) and addictions and transform their lives with a therapy that he refined and came to call "Shotgun Therapy". The transformation in clients was so radical and instant that the book Will Power came to be written for anyone who is stuck in an unwanted place or who seems unable to take that one step towards the realization of their most cherished dream.Activities like fitness and exercise become "a piece of cake". Will Powers "shotgun therapy" is simple to learn and execute but beware, it is only for those who really do want to change their lives. Prepare to live the life you have always dreamed of.
WILL POWER, Instantly transform and loose unwanted habits and addictions, inspiring, motivational, techniques, informative, advice, guide, real life examples, overcome bad unwanted habits, How to Break bad Habits, Shotgun Therapy, improve your lifestyle, live happier life, self help, transform your life
Self Help | Transitions: 617 | Date: 2018-05-06

Take Charge of Your Destiny teaches how you can create a compelling vision for your future, eliminate any subconscious blocks in your way, and design a life of abundant health, success, prosperity and joy. Exactly the kind of life you were born to live.
Here is just a sampling of what you will learn:
-How to break the illusions that are holding you back. -How to easily uncover the resistance that is blocking your progress. -Why you’re never too old to pursue your dreams. -How a simple question can improve interpersonal communication. -How to create your own personal health team with you as captain. -What to do if you’re not rich yet. -How to attract more money into your life easily and joyfully. H-ow to feel better no matter what happens. How taking a few simple steps can lead to ultimate success. -Do you want to take your sales success to the next level?

Take Charge of Your Destiny, How to Create the Life You Were Born to Live, how to create a compelling vision for your future, transform your life, personal development, personal growth, self help, live better and happier life, become more successful, attract more money, live healthier life, achieve your dreams

Book Deals | Transitions: 712 | Date: 2018-05-06

Self-esteem is the foundation of who we are and who we will become. In this book we look at the root causes of low self-esteem, where it comes from, how it manifests and what we can do to change.
Low self-esteem can be disguised by other character traits, and you don’t recognize it or link it to low self-esteem. This book will not only show you how to recognize it, but how to correct it.
Accepting yourself for who you really are and not for what you have done will open more doors than you can imagine. This book explores this concept in detail.

ebook, amazon, kindle, self esteem, improve, maintain, change, life, improvement, goals, achieve, self help, proven, ways, effective

Must Read Books | Transitions: 729 | Date: 2018-05-06

Jesus found some rough and tough fisherman and showed them how to be his followers. In this book you will discover eight steps to make the journey from fisherman to follower - not that you necessarily have to be a real fisherman. The modern equivalent may be an office worker, school teacher, bank clerk or secretary. But you can still take the same eight steps and find fulfillment and happiness.
In this ebook you will learn more about the importance of obedience, loyalty and love and how these qualities can change you as a person.

From Fisherman to Follower, better life, improve your life, happiness, personal growth, self help, spirituality, religion, Christian living, spiritual, how to live better life, tips, advice, ebook,

Self Help | Transitions: 594 | Date: 2018-05-06

Are you looking for answers? Do you find yourself wondering where and how did we lose control? Have you ever looked at our world and said something has got to give how can we change this?
Divine Perspective describes Shaun Kolich's personal quest of discovery into the deepest workings of our world and the universe. No matter belief system you may have (if any) you can gain many valuable insights from this inspirational book.

Philosophy, new thought, new age, spirituality, self discovery, tips, effective, guidebook, helpful insights through life, self evaluation, life, universe, change our life, live better life, happier life,

Self Help | Transitions: 585 | Date: 2018-05-06

How many times have you felt your motivation level going down while you study? How many times have you wished you simply had more motivation to start your day? Your boss is nagging and threatening to fire you, so you feel unmotivated to do your job? Trust me, we’ve all been there. ‘How to Motivate Yourself to Do Anything’ can be used as an easy guide to help you restore your motivation. Starting from the explanation and definition of motivation and motives with an overview of the reasons why we are not motivated, filled with great, personal examples, Author Nikky will lead you through the techniques and ways you can your motivation back. What is awesome about ‘How to Motivate Yourself to Do Anything’ is that it’s not focused only on students or people who work. It’s focused on your everyday life, and problems you must overcome, the difficulties you have while overcoming your problems and practical advice on how to deal with them. And they are very easy to follow.
Motivation, how to motivate yourself, self help, How to Motivate Yourself to Succeed, How to Motivate Yourself to do anything, self motivation techniques, self motivation tips, advice, guide, restore your motivation,
Self Help | Transitions: 587 | Date: 2018-05-06

We are each born into mortality with an utter dependence on our parents, or others, for our security, nourishment, and direction. For some, these basic needs can prove illusive, giving way to abuse, abandonment, and a lack of the necessities of life: food, shelter, clothing, and love. This book is one man's story of self-improvement, as a result of overcoming insurmountable odds and tremendous hardships. Through his eyes see the world from the perspective of a child, relinquished to a boarding school and left to fend for himself. Anxiety, depression, and a sense of helplessness ensnare him, edging the troubled young man ever closer to suicide. Reaching adulthood, his life as a ‘nobody’ appears to be inescapable, forcing him into one sad failure after another...until he discovers his self-worth.
Captured in the pages of this unique book Ryan Gomez bares his soul, and shares his quiet moments of desperation and his triumphant realization that life has not passed him by. Through a strategic course of self-improvement he grasps his innate abilities and rises from despair and poverty to unimagined success.

It's Never Too late: One Man's Journey Of Self-Discovery, self help, self improvement, life changing book, improve your life, motivational, inspirational, self development, personal growth, achieve your goals

Self Help | Transitions: 569 | Date: 2018-05-06

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