The Machine: A Mechanic's View of the Economy and Its Needs by Aaron McClure, 1:14 PM
This book explores the parallels between the economy and man made machines to show some commonalities between the two.
The need for a mechanical understanding of the economy and its operation should be mandatory by those who create policies that can affect it's operation. The causal effects of actions taken by short sighted legislators has created a weaker and less productive economy. If we look at the economy as an engine with a finite amount of power, we can start to understand how much we have overburdened it from tax plans and regulations all the way down to a defeated workforce.
This book explores how the economy ended up where it is and introduces ideas that may help correct currently faced issues. The long term solutions may be a bitter pill to swallow for many.

The Machine, A Mechanic's View of the Economy and Its Needs, Aaron McClure, business and money, economic conditions, human and machine, economy and machines, machine automation, rise of the machines, the race between man and machine, business and finances, popular economics books, economics concepts, economics topics