The Power Vested in Me: The Seekers | Book Two, Part One by A. J. King, 6:34 PM
"Loved this book and particularly the mermaid chapter."
"This book is a brilliant continuation of book 1."
The Stardust, Jason, Pippa, Stuart, Zak and Heidi, return in the second adventure of the Power Vested in Me trilogy, this time becoming the Seekers. The book begins with the enigmatic Starkey, sending the teenagers he invested so much power in when they were newly born, on another quest but this time they just have to find a single item. To complete their task the five must enter the Land of Nod, a place they can only travel to in their dreams. Once there, they realise that they are traveling through the signs of the zodiac, encountering magic and mystery, while guided by the illusive Scholar..

The Power Vested in Me, The Seekers, Power Vested in Me trilogy, A J King, contemporary fiction, science fiction and fantasy, sci-fi and fantasy, popular sci-fi novels, Contemporary Fiction books, contemporary sci fi novels, fantastic novels, best sci-fi novels 2017, entertaining, amazing