Timed to Perfection (The Time Series Book 1) by Nicholas A. Price - A collection of funny tales using the themes of Time.
https://www.amazon.com/Timed-Perfection-Time-Book-1-ebook/dp/B01N7WJF1H/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF82018-05-03, 7:05 PM
"Colorfully illustrated throughout by Gigi Art, the book is certain to appeal to children in the five to ten age range. Especially with the imaginative story about Mr. Brown's family and their magical egg timer." - Good Kindle Reviews
This book includes themes and illustrations that will make you smile and encourage children to understand what cooperation and standing up for things that matter can be a wonderful thing for everyone involved, whichever side you may champion. This is the first book from the Time Series. A collection of funny tales using the themes of Time.

Timed to Perfection, children’s books, children’s ebooks, humorous children’s books, illustrated humorous books for children, educational children’s books, Colorfully illustrated children’s books