Ungeschehenmachen By David Poul Jack
https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/7937242018-06-21, 12:36 PM
Ungeschehenmachen (to make un-happen) is the story of a spiritual seeker who, in his search for the ultimate truth, joins a mind control cult and gradually surrenders his will, his grip on reality, his sanity, his dignity and his life to a powerful and charismatic New Age guru.
He finds himself confronted with the darkness of his own psyche and a supernatural reality he cannot explain, and quickly plummets into the rabbit hole of occultism, spiritualism, narcissism, ego dissolution, chemical intoxication, tulpas, life after death, miracles, angels, demons, enlightenment, liberation and enslavement, dream versus reality, torture, brainwashing, murder, suicide, faith, God, and mortality.
The tone of this death trip from hell ranges from zany to morbid, philosophical to sex comedy, profoundly mysterious to banal and dull. In the end, we are not certain about anything whatsoever.

Ungeschehenmachen, David Poul Jack, spiritual, spirituality, God, New Age, supernatural, psychic, occultism, spiritualism, narcissism, angels, demons, torture, brainwashing, faith, death, hell, mystery