Whatever Happened To The Big Bad Wolf Kindle Edition by Jeffrey Lyndon Lee
https://www.amazon.com/Whatever-Happened-Big-Bad-Wolf-ebook/dp/B01BNDQFHO/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1455235874&sr=1-1&refinements=p_27%3AJeffrey+Lyndon+Lee2018-05-06, 5:47 PM
That Big Bad Wolf is At It Again and it Looks As Though He has Caught His Prey; So You Think? Unravel This New Twisted & Suspenseful Story of Little Red Riding Hood and that Mean Wolf!
Whatever Happened To The Big Bad Wolf, bedtime stories, short stories, fantasy, fiction, science fiction, sci-fi, mythology, folk tales, children’s ebooks, children’s books, entertaining, adventures, mystery